Lobel Lurie
Cone Health | USA
Title: On boarding competencies for foreign-educated nurses (FEN): A new care delivery model
Biography: Lobel Lurie
The escalating increase in the futuristic demand for healthcare workers link international workforce migration to fill the need. Cyclic in nature, the global migration of nurses is a major avenue to recruit and retain qualified nursing staff outside the country. The literature in transitioning foreign-educated nurses (FEN) into the workforce has been numerous in the past, however, there is little documentation in the transition utilizing standardized on-boarding competencies based on nursing professional development standards, incorporation of lived experiences from current FENs, and on-boarding best practices. Guided by Meleis’ Transitions Theory, the three developed on-boarding competencies were focused on FEN, Leadership, and Organizational competencies. A qualitative descriptive phenomenological design using semi-structured interview guide utilizes the intentional process of knowing and understanding of integration process by seeking to understand the phenomena and find meaning. The promoted targeted educational investment in foreign-educated nurses could be instrumental in the successful transition to practice for safe, effective, and efficient delivery of care within the U.S. healthcare.
Recent Publications
- Adeniran, R., Rich, V., Gonzalez, E., Peterson, C., Jost, S., & Gabriel, M. (2008, May 31). Transitioning internationally educated nurses for success: A model program. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 13(2). http://dx.doi.org/10.3912/OJIN.Vol13No02Man03
- Aiken, L., Buchan, J., Sochalski, B., Nichols, B., & Powell, M. (2004). Trends in international nurse migration: The world’s wealthy countries must be aware of how the “pull” of nurses from developing countries affect global health. Health Affairs, 23(3), 69-77. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=url,cookie,ip,uid&db=c8h&AN=2004192520&site=ehost-live&scope=site
- Nichols, B. L., Davis, C. R., Richardson, & D. R., (2010). International models of nursing. In The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health (pp. 565-642). Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.
- Cortes, P., & Pan, J. (2012, December). Relative quality of foreign nurses in the United States. In Fifth International Conference on Migration and Development, 28-29.
- Lurie, L. (2016). Strategic planning for future delivery of care: Onboarding foreign-educated nurses. Nurse Leader, 14(6), 427-432